Behind the photos: The supporting roles
While the camera and lenses usually get all the attention, often, it's the accessories that can make the photos possible. In this episode, we will be looking at the supporting cast, also known as tripods and other support equipment/accessories. Starting out with the simplest support, we have a bean bag. This is typically used folded in half with the lens on top of it to steady the lens and camera. More elabrate ones can be found with integrated tripod mounting screws. Next up, we have the monopod. This is primarily used for sports photography, where portable support for heavy fixed telephoto lenses and telephoto zoom lenses in low light is essential. The monopod can be mounted to the tripod collar found on most professional fixed telephoto lenses and telephoto zoom lenses. Mine is equipped with a ball head, although in actual use, the ball head wouldn't be adjusted unless the camera was mounted to it directly, rather than via the tripod collar on the telephoto lens. When...