
Showing posts from 2024

A fine fern frond!

This photo has been two years in the making, a perfect curl is quite hard to find, and the last time I saw one, it was too breezy to get a sharp photo. Usually, the fern curl bends over, then goes down about an inch or so, then the rest of the curl is curled up, so finding a perfectly curled frond has been a struggle. Taken with a Nikon D200, with 70-180 Micro-Nikkor. Thanks for looking, feel free to comment, and stay tuned for more!

B-29 Doc

For many years, the Commemorative Air Force's B-29A, Fifi, was the only flight worthy B-29 in existence. However, in 2016, she was joined by Doc, a TB-29, flying out of Wichita, Kansas, where she was originally built, along with over 1600 other B-29's. She was built as a B-29A, but was converted to a TB-29 in the 1950's, in which capacity she served as a radar calibration aircraft and target tug. As part of her conversion, most of her defensive armarment was removed, retaining only the two tail .50 cal machine guns. After retirement from service, she was sent to the Navy's China Lake target range to serve as a target, where she, along with Fifi, sat until 1987, when she was rescued from the target range. In May 2022, Doc visited the Museum of Flight here in Seattle, and I took the opportunity to go see her as well. The name Doc was chosen during her restoration because the squadron she was part of in military service was known as the Seven Dwarfs. Like her pre...