Roslyn IR project update II

I was able to work more on the Roslyn IR project just before graduation. I was hoping to finish up the project around September, but was never able to do so. (Hopefully I will be able to do so this spring, as Roslyn's snowed in right now.)
No.1 Mine Structure IR

I'm not sure what this structure was, but it bears some resemblance to a fan house, though it's much smaller, and there is no exhaust vent or housing for the fan itself. It's near the site of the No.1 and No.2 mines.

No.1 Mine foundation IR

This is another unknown foundation from the site of the No.1 and No.2 mines.

No. 3 Mine Shaft IR

This structure is the concrete tunnel that made up part of the No. 3 mine in Ronald, a small town about two miles from Roslyn, and also owned and operated by the Northwest Improvment Company as part of the Roslyn coal field. The shaft appears to have been closed by the Federal Office of Surface Mining by knocking the shaft down. (I've seen a photo of this shaft in its original configuration on

I like the quality of the IR that the Roslyn area has as a result of the bright sun on the east side of the mountains. Stay tuned for further images from Roslyn!


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