Roslyn Museum

While surveying for the Roslyn IR project, I stopped at the Roslyn Museum (which was closed, unfortunately) and took a few photos of the mining equipment. I finally found the roll of film that I took with the fisheye and had it processed.
Fisheye mining locomotive
This is the mining locomotive that is exhibited outside, leading a trip (the mining equivalent of a train) of mine carts and other cars used for coal mining. The mining locomotive hauled coal carts underground. Originally, they used mules for this duty.
Man trip cart
This is a man trip cart, which was used between shifts in the coal mine to lower the miners into the mine. The seats are angled so that the miners would be sitting upright while the cart traveled down the main slope of the mine, which was sloped along the angle of the coal seam.
Fisheye flag
This flag is in front of the mining equipment.
fisheye Miners Memorial
This memorial honors fallen coal miners and is located in front of the former Northwest Improvment Company store, just down the street from the Museum.


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